Blueberries target campus dining

The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council has begun offering blueberry promotional images and information aimed at college foodservice. The items are downloadable.

“It’s designed especially for campus dining but of course, available to anyone who can benefit,” said Kathy Blake, spokeswoman for the Folsom, Calif.-based council.

The promotional kit includes: Posters and table tents to which campus logos, menus, messages and announcements can be added;
Foodservice promotion ideas; and 20 blueberry recipes for beverages, breakfast items, salads, sauces and desserts.

Additional images plus T-shirts, leaflets, balloons and pens can be requested from Blake at
One image for a T-shirt is a Stop the Free Radicals graphic provided by the Chilean Blueberry Committee.
The council offers a foodservice manual online.

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