Spain: Asturias boosting blueberry production
The cultivation and trade of blueberries will be the cornerstone of the informative day which the Centre for Rural Development (Ceder) Navia-Porcía is organising for next Thursday at the “Casa de Cultura” in Grandas de Salime, Spain.
The schedule of the event, which will begin at 10 am with an official opening, includes talks on the production and sale of the fruit and also on the opportunity that it brings to diversify the agricultural economy of the region.
Furthermore, the “Practical Handbook for the Setting and Development of Blueberry Plantations in Asturias” will be presented; a guide elaborated by Ceder to facilitate the implementation and expansion of these crops.
The day will finish with a visit to Caxigal Cooperative’s plantation; a farm with three hectares where different varieties of blueberries are planted.
This project is being carried out within the framework of the “New Horizons” program, in which Ceder Navia-Porcía participates along with the Bajo Nalón development group and ten Galician groups.