Blueberry study meeting is Sunday

DANBURY — A Danbury-area health study involving 10 years of daily wild blueberry consumption and yearly reports to the American Aging Association will be celebrated Sunday at 2 p.m. at C-Town supermarket, 45 North St..

The store, formerly Deep’s Supermarket, has helped distribute wild blueberries at no profit for almost 10 years, enabling the longest data set of how blueberries improve memory.

The meeting will review Connecticut results and results from other studies showing blueberries can protect against heart and stroke damage and certain kinds of cancer.

Blueberries are also associated with the growth of new nerve cells and reduced risk of diabetes.

Seating at the event is limited. For reservations, call 203-313-1088 and leave your name and the number of seats you need.

To join the meeting by phone, call 218-339-2500 at 1:50 p.m. Sunday and enter 900371 #.

Other meetings are planned at the Danbury Ice House, Sherman IGA Supermarket, Sherman Green Cleaners, Happy Rainbows Herbs, Teas and Crystals, and the Foodtown Supermarket in Cold-Spring-on-Hudson, N.Y. Schedule information is available online at The study is open to new participants.


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