Argentina’s Tucumán sending more blueberries by air

During the 2012 campaign, Argentina’s Tucumán province exported 4,379,247 kilograms of fresh blueberries, around 94% of which went out by air.

The region continues on an upward trend of aerial blueberry shipments.

According to Tucumán’s Productive Development Institute (IDEP), 50.74% of the shipments left through the province’s Teniente General Benjamín Matienzo International Airport.

In total, 71 flights were conducted in 2012, 63 of them on LAN Airlines and eight on Cielos Airlines. This compares to 59 flight out of Tucumán in 2011 and just 31 in 2010.

43.1% of total exports in 2012 went through the Ministro Pistarini International Airport in Buenos Aires with 1,887,344 kilograms.

Meanwhile, the Buenos Aires seaport exported 269,863 kilograms for 6.16% of the total.

In respect to destination, the United States dominated imports, receiving 60.34% of shipments. Following are the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland and smaller markets like Hong Kong, Brazil, Italy, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

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