Top global blueberry industry leaders to meet in Chile

Come join your peers and build your global network, learn, share and collaborate at the 3rd annual IBO meeting.

The International Blueberry Organization (IBO) is set to host its third meeting from April 22-23, in the Chilean capital of Santiago.

The IBO was formed in 2011, bringing together industry leaders from key blueberry  growing countries with the aim of strengthening mutual understanding about the main issues affecting the sector and promoting consumption.

The meeting – to be held before the Global Berry Congress – will bring together blueberry leaders from Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, the United States, Mexico, New Zealand, the U.K., South Africa and Uruguay.

The event will provide a platform for discussion, including the release of production and export statistics, combined with data on cultivated hectares, grower returns and other trends.

Issues to be presented will also include:

– New markets, including China, South Korea and Europe

– An updated review of blueberry planting and production trends worldwide

– The development of growing countries like Mexico and Peru

– Trade opportunities

– New varieties

– New research into blueberry health benefits.

“The IBO provides a unique opportunity to network with the top leaders in the global industry, and while building a greater understanding of where the industry is going and its future challenges,” said organization administrator Gustavo Yentzen.

IBO chairman and Chilean representative Andres Armstrong emphasized that “in the two meetings in the United States, we engaged the global production situation, reviewed diverse research initiatives and learned about promotion efforts underway in different parts of the world. This entity and the meetings provide a unique platform generating significant synergies benefiting the blueberry industry and the development of consumption.”

“This entity provides a unique platform that can generate significant synergies that benefit the blueberry industry and the development of consumption.”

The IBO is now accepting new members.

If you would like to take part in the meeting and you are not a member of the IBO, you can seek more information by email at  Registration for the event is US$100.

About the International Blueberry Organization: The IBO’s mission is to come together and share information with the industry, collaborating on the common objective to raise blueberry consumption, and provide an international forum for understanding issues of common interest between growing and exporting countries. The IBO is developing an international platform that can help ensure the success of the global blueberry industry. For more information please contact us or visit

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