Fresh Appeal USA, Inc.
Fresh Appeal USA, Inc.
Fresh Appeal is an innovative, leading-edge provider of disinfection and shelf life extension technology to the high growth fresh cut produce industry. Established in 2002 in Auckland, New Zealand, Fresh Appeal continues to develop commercialized technology in strategic collaboration with Step Sciences and the world-renowned New Zealand Institute for Plant and Food Research. Our process lines are manufactured in New Zealand, with sales and service from both Fresh Appeal USA, Inc.(established in 2008) and Fresh Appeal Limited globally.
Fresh Appeal is committed to providing robust, quality solutions through design and development of new and novel functional foods and processes, that offer benefits to human health and wellbeing.
At Fresh Appeal we see ourselves as an integrated part of our clients’ business. We constantly strive to innovate and have developed an integrated research and discovery platform, to identify areas of improvement for the processing of fresh cut produce. We commercialize our technology in close cooperation with key partners within our industry.
Our process is multi-step and includes our patented UV-C disinfection Turbulator, several hygienic precision temperature controlled washes and a number of innovative trauma free drying solutions. The Fresh Appeal Fresh Produce SystemTM is a unique, patented, disinfection solution that can be applied to a wide range of fresh cut produce and processing fluids. In the case of treating fresh-cut sliced produce, the key benefit achieved is protection against pathogenic bacterial infections including, but not limited to, pathogens such as E.COLI, LISTERIA, and SALMONELLA. Fresh cut produce treated in our system has significantly extended shelf-life due to an enviable reduction of food spoilage microorganisms and improved quality, as we preserve the aroma, juiciness, physical freshness and appearance of the fresh cut produce and maintain this quality standard throughout the entire shelf-life period.