Michigan growers hopeful for this year’s blueberry crop

After devastating weather ravaged Michigan’s blueberry crop last year, things are looking up for this season.

“Everyone is expecting a better crop this year,” said Carlos Garcia Salazar, a small-fruit agent for the Michigan State University Extension’s West Central Region.

Last year, maturation caused by warming early in the season was followed by a series of cold snaps, which caused damage to a large portion of the crops.

“The winter damage was minimal,” Salazar said of this year’s crop. “We don’t have problems like last year,” as reported by the Grand Haven tribune.

Area growers note that the past few seasons have been significantly impacted by the weather.

According to the USDA, blueberry production in Michigan totaled 72 million pounds in 2011 and 87 million pounds in 2012.

The state typically produces more than 100 million pounds of blueberries every year, according to the MSU Extension service.

Salazar said that in light of the approaching 50 to 60 degree weather, he is confident that farmers will begin to see positive results.


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