Hortifrut will invest $84 million dollars

The fruit company plans to invest US $25 million for the 2013/2014 season and US$ 17 million for the following one. With these changes it will produce 66,136 tonnes of fruit.

According to a presentation to the investors of the berry producing company controlled by the Moller family, Hortifrut has a US$ 84 million dollars investment plan for the next five years.

The company expects to expand the amount of hectares that they manage, from 1,266 to 2,286, by the year 2017 with these investments. This, according to estimates by the firm, will allow them to produce 66,136 tonnes of its products in a season.

In addition, the presentation noted that the spanned volume reached by mid-May this year was of 31,123 tons, 11.4% more than the same time last year.
Fresh Plaza / Eleconomistaamerica.cl


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