U.S. (WI): Farmers credit weather for banner blueberry crop
Blueberry farmers are calling this year their best season ever.
The fruit at Chet’s Blueberries in Stevens Point is exceptional this year, according to owners.
“This is the best we’ve ever had, the best, excellent crop,” said Chet Skippy from Chet’s Blueberry Farm.
Farmers say the excellent crop is all thanks to the weather.
“Everything kind of ripened all at the same time. We have a horrendous amount of blueberries right now,” said Skippy.
Last year farmers had to battle a drought.
“This year is much much better than last year. Last year, it was horrible, we had the late frost last spring which basically took out about 80 percent of our crop,” said Skippy.
Owners at Chet’s Blueberries say this year’s crop could be the biggest berries they’ve seen yet.
“The berries are bigger than I figured. They’re humongous,” said Skippy. He says people have been coming in for weeks, to pick some of those berries.
“We can have 40-50 cars in the parking lot first thing in the morning, and then it will start to dwindle down as the day goes on,” said Skippy.
“This is my first time and you can literally stand in one spot and pick forever,” said Vicki Borham of Stevens Point. She told Newsline 9 she can’t wait to use all the fruit.
“I’ll probably leave most of it fresh and just give it to my friends or maybe make some of it into muffins or a couple pies,” said Borham.
That’s a sweet result of a juicy season