Argentinean blueberry export to Europe increased in 2013
Exports of blueberries in 2013 increased because of the arrival of fruit from Tucuman to the European market and the installation of a cold chamber that became a decisive factor for the quality of exports.
The amount of fruit exported in 2013 exceed that of 2012 despite the drought and frost that hit the province during the last year, said Fernando Martorell, coordinator of Foreign Trade from the Institute of Productive Development.
“United States was the biggest destination for blueberries since 90 percent of our local production went to that market,” he recalled.
However, Martorell said, thanks to the Institutes and local entrepreneurs participation in fairs at Berlin, Moscow and Hong Kong “new markets have opened and the European Union is currently a very important destination.”
“Consumption of blueberries is growing in the Netherlands, Germany, Ireland, and Canada,” he added.
The coordinator of foreign trade said that the quality of the products improved due to the installation of a cold storage chamber at the Benjamin Matienzo Airport, which keeps the fruit at optimal temperature.
Thanks to this, producers have been able to sell the fruit ready for consumption, because everything runs smoothly, “the plane arrives, producers load their cranberries and a few hours later they are being sold in a different country.”
Martorell explained that Tucumán had a 45-day window during which there were no blueberries anywhere in the world.”
“Our province takes advantage of that moment to export all the fresh fruit and sell it at a value that is five times higher than that of the frozen blueberry,” he said.
Finally, Martorell highlighted the joint work being done by the province and the government to strengthen the Tucuman’s market and stated that “the government is on par with producers in all relevant areas.”
“The government accompanies producers in their investments. They aid them with technological research from the Experimental Station Obispo Colombres, give support on disseminating the export supply from the IDEP, and helps them with the logistical work in order to continue generating added value and creating jobs in Tucuman,” he said.
Fresh Plaza / Telam