Take part in the IBO Summit in Mexico
Come and participate in the fourth IBO Summit to be held in Guadalajara, Mexico, on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, March 10th, 11th and 12th!
This year we will receive, amongst others, USHBC president Parm Bains who will speak about the “U&A Survey” of blueberries in the U.S.; Chad Finn, a research geneticist from the Agricultural Research Service who will speak about plant varieties; Inés Masallach, marketing director of Imalinx, who will deal with the story of the Blueberries in Mexico; Sofia Freitas, AGIM coordinator, who will approach the challenges and opportunities of the Portuguese blueberry industry; and Raúl Urteaga Trani, general coordinator of international Affairs at SAGARPA, who will give us an international view of the Mexican berry sector.
You will also hear country presentations from South Korea, the Ukraine, Poland, Chile, the U.S. and Argentina, among others.
To register you can download and fill in the form here, and please send it back completed to: info@internationalblueberry.org.
More information is available at: http://www.internationalblueberry.org/meetings/
See you in Guadalajara!