William D. Jones

William D. Jones

william d jones consultant

William D. Jones specializes in soil fertility, plant nutrition and irrigation water chemistry management of intensive crops.  Special knowledge of Blueberry pre-plant preparation, remedial treatment and resolution of problem plantings is offered.  Mr. Jones employs Proportional to Flow Fertigation strategies for fertility and nutrition management of small fruits (blueberry, raspberry, blackberry, etc.), avocado and citrus, cut flowers and an array of other crops.  Mr. Jones specializes in remediation of crop nutrition and fertility problems, evaluation and treatment of Horticulturally important irrigation waters and the design of soil substrates (artificial soil mixes) and/or appropriate amendment of native (natural) soils for improved crop performance.  Mr. Jones is a Certified Crop Advisor (CCA No. 63839)

Mr. Jones is a graduate of California Polytechnic University – San Luis Obispo;  Fruit Science.  1977.

Mr. Jones provides service to clients in the United States, Mexico, South America, Africa and venues around the World.  Mr. Jones is fluent in the English and Spanish languages.


Contact Information:

William D. Jones
Agricultural Consultant
CCA No. 63839
cel: 559-676-7634
email: rootstockspecialty@sti.net
website: www.wdjagconsultant.com


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