Very Berry Korea Inc.
Very Berry Korea Inc.
Very Berry Korea Inc. (VBF) is a Korean blueberry farmers’ association.
VBF holds 200 blueberry farms as shareholders.
VBF cultivates 250 hectare of blueberries in 2013 and expects to produce 500 tons of blueberries in 2014.
VBF has been established in 2013 in order (i)to lead blueberry cultivation technologies; (ii)to nourish blueberry consumption; (iii)to consolidate post-harvest process; and (iv)to communicate with international blueberry industry.
Mr. Chaesup (CS) Rim
Very Berry Korea Inc.
#213 SanHak Bldg.
Gonju University
Gonju, South Korea
Tel: +82 41 881 3440
Mobile: +82 10 8795 3440