Naturipe plans Sesame campaign

Naturipe Farms LLC, Salinas, Calif., will participate in the Produce Marketing Association’s Eat Brighter! campaign, with official plans for the promotion to be announced at the Newark, Del.-based PMA’s Fresh Summit in October, said marketing manager Kyla Oberman.sesame249

The company has decided to work on a special program as part of the campaign to give it maximum interest from consumers and retailers.

“Using the pre-designed Sesame stickers and applying them to our packages is simply not enough to engage not only our young audience, but also the retailers that carry our products,” Oberman said.

She thinks the program will have a wide range of appeal, ranging from “moms who ultimately make the purchase to our customer audience, including media, bloggers and the health/nutrition community,” she said.

As a whole, Oberman believes the message of the program is the most important aspect.

“Having the ability to market using the Sesame Street license is wonderful regarding the new, out-of-the-box branding opportunities, but more importantly it is the message that this platform allows us to tell,” she said.

By working together, Oberman is optimistic about the effects the program can have on the industry and society.

“Eat Brighter! is a very powerful message that hopefully, if done right by our industry, will help in the effort to combat childhood obesity and create healthy habits for our children,” she said.

Children one through five years old are the target group of the program.

This isn’t the first kid-focused campaign the company has participated in. Recently, it partnered with Disney for a princess-themed strawberry promotion.

Naturipe also targets children and families with its fresh blueberry snack packs, which Oberman said “are ideal for healthy kids’ snacks.”


The Packer

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