California Giant offerings tout berries for back-to-school

California Giant Berry Farms has added a Kids Corner section to its website and is offering a “Back-To-School Survival Guide” with tips on how to include berries in lunches and breakfasts.Captura de pantalla 2014-09-07 a la(s) 22.18.10

Consumers can obtain the guide by filling out a short form online. It includes pairing suggestions and nine meal ideas, among other features. The guide will be offered on all company social media outlets as well for several weeks, according to a news release.

The Kids Corner website section at offers children resources on health and fitness. It includes a Junior Chefs page with six new videos featuring chefs working with children to prepare recipes — one is sweet berry pizza. Each recipe is also downloadable.

Another page, Fueled by Berries, concentrates on how healthy eating supports sports and outdoor activities. Watsonville-based California Giant is using the hashtag #poweredbyberries, originally designed for its cycling team, to record participation.


The Packer


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