US (WA): Strong blueberry volumes continue

With availability expected to extend into October, Washington’s blueberry growers continue to produce volumes of fruit greater than those harvested the previous year.blues8

“Volumes have been strong,” noted Blake Belknap, sales manager for Rainier Fruit Company in Selah, Washington. “They are 14 percent higher than last year.” Favorable weather during spring and throughout the growing season is one of the reasons for this year’s big harvest, which could reach 90 million pounds. But increased production is also due to maturing acreage that has expanded the ability of the state’s growers to churn out big production. The market has also responded favorably to this year’s crop.

“Prices have been stable and good all year,” said Belknap. At the end of last week, prices for a flat of blueberries from the Washington ranged from between $20.00 and $22.00 for medium to large berries. The price for an organic flat ranged from between $36.00 and $40.00.


Fresh Plaza

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