Record blueberry season in Quebec

Blueberry producers in Quebec are very satisfied with their 2014 harvest. Following a disastrous year in 2013, it was a good surprise when they reached an all-time record.  blues15

Over 70 million pounds of blueberries were harvested in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean fields.  “It is a real record, we had a very good season” announces Mark Larouch, President of the Quebec Blueberry Producers Syndicate.

It is the winter and spring 2014 temperatures that are to thank for such a harvest.  “The spring frost that normally destroys the plants did not occur. Winter was also favourable.  There was a lot of snow as of November, so frost did not have time to settle on the ground” explains Mr Larouch.

Frost on the ground in 2013 led to important loss of yield with only one third being harvested.  Mr Larouch says that another year like 2013 would have been catastrophic.

Whilst it is impossible to know the season’s total revenues, “one thing is for sure, we are within our costs.  The average price is very good and the offer is up to standard on the market”.  Almost 30 countries buy Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean blueberries.

Producers in all sectors are satisfied with the 2014 harvest.  “We are not talking about an exceptional year, but as a whole it has been good.  There has been no frost or disease” explains Yvon Simard, President of the Agricultural Producers Union in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean.

However the season will not make up for the almost $8 million losses caused by bad temperatures last year.


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