Tucumán: Blueberry beat export record

Tucumán is continuing blueberry export to international markets. Almost a month after the start of the campaign, and 41 flights out.blues6

“We are excited, we are leaving a very positive campaign this year. Centre flights we did yesterday, which are 41, we exceeded the number of tons that came out last year,” emphasized Fernando Martorell, Coordinator Trade Area Exterior IDEP Tucumán .

“Hoping to follow in the remainder of October and some of November and continue taking fruit and the province directly to world markets and adding new destinations and new requirements that come out, giving fulfilling the requirements that put us the world’s most demanding markets, “he added.

“The idea is to further increase the tonnage and flights, always depend on climate issues and prices that are the target markets of the fruit. Prospects are reaching at least 4000 tons, we are tied to issues weather and price, “said Martorell.

“With what we did this year, in less than a month already surpassed last season in tonnes and fewer flights, means that efforts are being made from the province and from the producers are giving. Y will it is giving the numbers that always marks the success of all this, “he said.

Then Martorell highlighted the progress made this year. “We’re doing new things, first flew directly to New York, used to do Miami and Los Angeles; continue with flights to European Union, new flights that connect Tucumán to San Pablo and make connections to other destinations in EU get faster with the products. “

“We are also adding new services that this airport, with works that we’re done and are doing; acquisitions going by the airport, we now have a new pumper who sent us the ANAC, we are with firefighters who are training because they are larger aircraft and we need better service in the event of any problems that happen, “he concluded.



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