AFRICAN BLUECreated in 2007 in Morocco, AFRICAN BLUE is a multinational specialized in BLUEBERRY, we grow and export to many countries around the world. While in the early years the majority of our exports were destined for the European market, today we are exporting to all over the world including Russia and many Asian countries. We market some Costa Exchange varieties: Mayra, Kirra, or Kimba and we have the exclusivity for Europe.

At the beginning we had a farm of 35 hectares with a development plan based on 400ha by 2018. Today, 4 years from our goal, we already have almost 300ha of land. We sold almost 2,000 tons of blueberries last year and eventually we should reach 8000 tons per year. Due to its unique production time and quality, African Blue is naturally positioned as one of the best.

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