Total Berry

Total Berry

Total BerryFormerly The Summerfruit Company, Total Berry is one of the UK’s foremost authorities on soft and summer fruits with a global network of growers who support a continuous supply of berries and summer fruits throughout the year. Dedicated, highly qualified experts travel the world to assess crop quality from existing and potential suppliers, which enables us to provide the retail, catering and wholesale sectors with exactly the produce they require.

Total Berry also benefits from a substantial grower base across the UK which enables it to give continuous supply throughout the UK season. Total Berry offers Total Produce UK customers a unique supply chain for their soft fruit and summer fruit requirements. Through strategic management and customer planning with our suppliers, we have created year-round access to high quality fruits from both Northern and Southern Hemispheres. We also continue to invest substantially in the continual development of new fruit varieties for current and future customers.

Total Berry is part of Total Worldfresh, the specialist retail and importing division of Total Produce UK. To find out more



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