U.S.:Blueberry Council encourages Little Changes as a strategy for success
In 2015, the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council will build on the success of its 2014 Little Changes campaign, which engaged more than 175,000 households to share recipes, images and tips for a healthier lifestyle. On Jan. 1, the Council kicked off an initiative that takes the Little Changes message to the next level by encouraging Americans who would normally set New Year’s resolutions this month to instead commit to making little changes all year round.
New data from ORC International confirms that, for most Americans, making little lifestyle changes like incorporating more blueberries into their diet is most effective in pursuing a healthier way of life1. With a striking two-thirds of Americans remaining overweight or obese2, the Blueberry Council is positioning its little blue dynamos as one simple solution to the daily challenges Americans face in making healthy choices.
“We know that consumers, particularly moms, are looking for encouragement and simple ways to improve their household’s food choices, and we want them to see blueberries as an ally in their effort,” said Mark Villata, executive director for the Blueberry Council. “As our Little Changes initiatives continue to catch on, we’ll help those consumers solve a problem they’re faced with every day, which is ‘what am I going to do that will help me along the path to a healthier lifestyle?’ We believe that by influencing those little choices on a daily basis, we can help Americans achieve big rewards in the long run.”
Major components of the Blueberry Council’s 2015 marketing campaign will be implemented in January-March, May-August and November-December, driving demand for blueberries during periods of peak supply, and ongoing efforts will continue year-round. They include:
• Swap New Year’s Resolutions for Little Changes – Using the Little Changes concept as a jumping off point, the Blueberry Council will provide thousands of Americans encouragement and simple ideas for living a healthier lifestyle in 2015 with the help of lifestyle influencer Alison Sweeney – actress, author and host of NBC’s The Biggest Loser. The January-February campaign will also involve digital marketing tactics, a consumer sweepstakes and a media blitz.
• Little Changes Kitchen Challenges – A VIP event challenging top chefs and food influencers in the LA area to create innovative healthful dishes featuring various forms of blueberries; an invitational blueberry immersion program for 16 executive chefs at the Culinary Institute of America.
• Little Changes for Schools and Students – Youth marketing programs expected to engage 100,000 students and 400 school lunch rooms across the U.S. to make healthier choices with blueberries in May-June; an invitational immersion program for 16 school chefs at the Culinary Institute of America.
• 100 Years of Highbush Blueberries – National public relations efforts and Washington D.C.-based events commemorating the 100th anniversary of blueberry cultivation and encouraging the celebration of little changes throughout National Blueberry Month in July.
• Little Changes for Better Nutrition – Nutrition education efforts targeting registered dietitians, health professionals and retail dietitians.
• Little Changes to Lighten Up the Holidays – Social and digital marketing programs targeting 10,000 women ages 25-45 in November-December.
“Per capita consumption of blueberries has skyrocketed from 20.1 ounces in 2005 to an estimated 43.3 ounces in 2014, and supply continues to track steadily with this increased demand,” said Parm Bains, chairman of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council. “Our members have agreed to increase promotion and health research in 2015, which means we’ll have even more healthy living education to share and more little changes for families to talk about.”