Spain: First project for large-scale blueberry production in Galicia

The company Horticina, based in the municipality of Cerdido, has launched the first project for the large-scale production of blueberries in Galicia, receiving institutional support from the regional government and the provincial council.shutterstock_110365184

The Council of Rural and Marine Affairs, Rosa Quintana, visited this plantation accompanied by the territorial delegate of the Government of Galicia in A Coruña, Belén do Campo, and the president of the provincial council, Diego Calvo.

With a net acreage of 72 hectares and 282,527 bushes planted, it is the first major plantation for the production of this fruit in Galicia and the only one of this magnitude in northern Spain, as stressed by the Government of Galicia.

Its development has been funded by the Council of Rural Environment with 250,000 Euro and will have a significant social impact, creating 20 permanent and 750 temporary jobs.

1,000 tonnes of blueberries are expected to be harvested over the next five years and the company plans to launch a new one soon in partnership with Hortifrut.

Horticina was founded in 2001 with the goal of producing camellia flowers, mainly potted, for the wholesale market.

But in 2009, the facilities were devastated by Hurricane Klaus, which destroyed more than 260,000 plants.

After this misfortune, the company decided to grow blueberries instead, which it aims to produce on a large scale.


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