Germany: area growth for berries continues

Berries are becoming increasingly popular in Germany. The German producers are therefore doing their best to meet the rising demand. Berries have been among the fruit varieties with extending areas in Germany for years, reports the German Informations-Gesellschaft (AMI) on its website.blues9

Last year berries were produced on an area of 7,716 hectares in Germany. This is 6% larger than in 2013. Blueberries are undoubtedly the most grown berries and gained even more ground in 2014. The blueberry area grew by 3% compared to 2013. This production potential of blueberries will therefore increase over the next few years. After blueberries, blackberries were the most grown last year. Their area was extended by 4%. The area growth of red and white currants stagnated on the other hand, but the raspberry cultivation increased. Brambles and gooseberries are the berries with the smallest area in Germany, but the cultivation area for these fruits was also extended.


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