Southern Specialties shipping Florida blueberries

Southern Specialties has kicked off its Florida blueberry deal and expects to ship through April.Unknown-1

Pompano Beach, Fla.-based Southern Specialities is shipping Florida fruit in 6-ounce clamshells under its Southern Selects brand, according to a news release.

Varieties the company will ship from Florida this season include farthings, flickers, chickadees and meadowlarks.

“This year’s Florida blueberry crop has nice bloom and great flavor,” Alex Henderson, Southern Specialties’ key account manager, said in the release. “They will ship well and are an excellent product for Florida companies to showcase in their ‘Locally Grown’ programs.”

In addition to Florida blueberries, Southern Specialties is shipping Southern Selects-branded blackberries and raspberries.

After its Florida deal, Southern Specialties plans to source blueberries from Georgia and the Carolinas.

The Packer


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