Interactive campaign for blueberries from Chile
“Mach doch mal Blau” – was the slogan used in an interactive advertising campaign for Chilean blueberries in the German market by Chile. The German marketing agency ROOS who helped in structuring the campaign from early January until late March 2015 on behalf of the Chilean Blueberry Committee remarked that “During the blueberry season in Chile, we started our ad campaign in Germany”, explains managing director Michael Roos of the ROOS Agentur für Markenaktivierung, “We, and of course the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association and the Chilean Blueberry Committee, where very satisfied with the results of the campaign.”
Recipe app as a marketing tool
A platform for the three-month campaign is the smartphone application “Kochmamsell”. The German app recommends everyday recipes for specific products. These recipes are based on a range from the major German supermarkets and discounters, which are mentioned in the recipe. Up to three daily recipes per store will be published. “The advantage of the app is that in a period of three months it publishes up to 400 recipes and reminds the customer of the sellers on a daily basis,” said Roos, “This type of ad was clearly useful and purposeful.”
“Way off the beaten track of marketing”
“With this campaign, it was possible to reach younger audiences in a very efficient manner,” Roos said, “The goal was to reach the so-called generation” Y “, i.e. people aged 13 to 29, they should talk about the medium, that impressed with its practical approach.” Interactive contests, YouTube videos and a Facebook and an Instagram page support the campaign. “And compared with the traditional media, such as television, radio or newspapers, we have found a relatively cost effective way to optimally market our product,” Roos proudly explains “We wanted an alternative to the traditional paths of marketing and communications.
Campaign to be continued…
At the end of the summer, the campaign will be re-evaluated according to Charif Christian carvajalo, Director of Marketing of the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association. “Due to the success of the campaign, the Chilean Blueberry Committee is re-evaluating its continued participation. The blueberry campaign could reach around two million people during their three-month advertising period. We would like to build on these achievements and continue to develop a new campaign which will probably begin in November or December. ”
Fresh Plaza