Rapid increase blueberry cultivation China

“Blueberries are steadily becoming a more popular fruit in China. Four or five years ago, when blueberries started to draw people’s attention, they were sold at more than 150 Yuan per 500 gram. As a result, farmers were eager to start cultivating blueberries. In our region in Shandong Province, total blueberry production area has increased by at least 50% compared to two years ago. Most Chinese blueberries are planted and grown in Shandong Province,” explains Miss Lili Chen of the Likoucun Blueberry Cooperative in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province.shutterstock29

“Most growers in Shandong plant the same blueberry variety. Growers do this because they do not want to take any risk jeopardizing their sales: they want to sell a crop that buyers are familiar with. Blueberries require advanced storage and cold chain facilities. These are not found everywhere in China. The fruit perishes quickly and has to be sold within a short period. Therefore, Shandong farmers prefer to sell blueberries to nearby buyers. As blueberry production went up, and because the market is relatively centralised, market prices are down compared to last year. I am still pleased with the season, as our output has been high this year”.

“In addition to our own harvest we also acquire blueberries from other local local farmers. Our advantage is that our orchard is quite close to Yun Lake. The soil is soft and of good quality, which facilitates cultivation. Each year, our harvest starts in June, which is earlier than in other regions in China. As a result, our blueberries are sold for a good price in June up to the beginning of July.”

“This year we planted 100 hectares of blueberries, with a total output of 500 tons. Prices hover around 25 Yuan per 500 gr. Even though prices are lower than in previous seasons, we still manage to make a profit. Currently we are not looking to expand our business abroad. We do begin to realise that our local market is becoming saturated. Therefore we are focussing on finding more trade-partners and wholesalers in other parts of China.”


Photo: www.shutterstock.com

Source: Fresh Plaza

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