Chilean blueberries star in European cooking blogs

The Chilean Blueberry Committee, ProChile and the Fruit Exporters Association of Chile AG (ASOEX) organized a workshop for outstanding European bloggers with the goal of increasing the knowledge people have about the quality and safety characteristics of the Chilean blueberries, as well as the different ways they can be used in exquisite culinary preparations.foto9

The workshop took place in Berlin this week and the bloggers had the opportunity of participating in a kitchen show at one of the city’s major restaurants.

“There were about eight bloggers linked to the cooking and healthy food area. Some of these bloggers have more than 20,000 followers, therefore, we can show diverse and delicious culinary preparations based on Chilean blueberries to a lot of people through a kitchen show with the bloggers and Udo Einenkel, a prominent European chef that is a renowned professionally in vegetarian food. The idea is that this group of bloggers cooks these and other recipes inspired by our blueberries and uploads them and some illustrative photographs to their blogs, Twitter, and other Internet platforms, through which they communicate with their followers,” said Charif Christian Carvajal, ASOEX Marketing Director for Europe and Asia.

Carvajal said this workshop was part of the Chilean blueberries’ campaign set for the German market for the 2015-2016 season, where the use of social networks play a leading role.

Additionally, he stated that Udo Einenkel was a professional chef, a vegetarian and a health and healthy eating consultant. His cuisine is rich in vital substances and whole foods, and he enjoys working with fresh ingredients. Einenkel is the owner and chef of the Last Supper organic-vegetarian restaurant in Berlin. Currently, he is also working on his new cookbook. He also conducts seminars and cooking classes. His cookbook, Vegetarian temptations, has been a hit and is available in bookstores across Germany.

In turn, the commercial director of ProChile in Berlin, Bettina Stengel said: “The event was very successful, each blogger got to cook, and then they all tasted each preparation, which was always focused on Chilean blueberries.”

Then she added that, “the blueberries were used to make salad dressings, the classic blueberry pie, and even a chutney. The product can be used for an enormous variety of recipes.”

Stengel also said that the “interest shown by the bloggers was extremely high. They didn’t think of our country as a major supplier of blueberries and thought the product was only used in sweet and fresh snack preparations before this workshop.”


Source: Fresh Plaza

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