Peru: Blueberry exports exceeding expectations

Peruvian blueberry exports have exceeded all expectations from the producers in both the coast and the mountains. In 2015, the overseas shipments for this berry, which is mainly grown in La Libertad, have reached a value of $ 94,261,000, i.e. three times more than in 2014, when exports were worth almost $ 30 million.blues20

Sierra Exportadora reports that the growth of blueberry exports has also been clearly observed in the Andean region. In 2015, they made shipments worth 1,106,000 U.S. dollars, up 142% compared to the $ 457,000 achieved in 2014.

“If this production rate on the coast and the mountains continues, we should exceed 200 million dollars in exports in 2016, as demand for blueberries abroad is increasing and the price will fluctuate between 9 and 14 dollars per kilo,” said the President of Sierra Exportadora, Alfonso Velásquez Tuesta.

“The goal is to surpass the 2,500 hectares which it currently has and reach 3,200 hectares in 2016,” added the head of this public body, while encouraging producers to “continue investing in these berries to be able to meet the demands of the current customers in terms of both volume and quality, as well as to win new markets.”

More markets

The growth of Peruvian blueberry exports has been intense over the past four years. It went from almost zero in 2011 to $ 465,000 in 2012; it then jumped to $ 15,184,000 in 2013 and to $ 29,278,000 in 2014, culminating with over 94 million dollars 2015.

The number of markets demanding the fruit has also increased. In 2015, Peru shipped to 20 countries, ten more than in 2014, although the United States remains the biggest customer, accounting for more than half of the purchases ($ 53.2 million), followed by the Netherlands ($ 25.7 million), the United Kingdom ($ 11,551,000) and Hong Kong ($ 5.990,000).

Andean blueberries and support from authorities

Sierra Exportadora, through its “Peru Berries” program, promotes the crop’s production in the inter-Andean areas, whose height ranges from 500 to 3,000 metres above sea level and account for around 28% of the country’s land.

The regions that have these conditions and have already become involved in this economic activity are: Áncash, Apurímac, Arequipa, Cajamarca, Cusco, Junín, La Libertad, Lambayeque and Pasco.

The good prospects for this crop have also allowed Sierra Exportadora, which provides technical assistance to the entire production and marketing chain, to organise joint actions with regional and local authorities through its Productive Municipality program.

Such is the case of the plantations that are already being set up in the Yaca community with support from the Regional Government of Apurimac. There are similar cases in Pachitea, with help from the Huanuco Regional Government, and in Limatambo and Calca, with funds from the Regional Government of Cusco.


Photo: Shutterstock

Source: Fresh Plaza

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