Argentina gears up for IBO Summit 2016 with launch in Entre Rios

Regional authorities came together last week in the Argentine province of Entre Rios for the launch of the International Blueberry Organization (IBO) Summit 2016.Captura de pantalla 2016-07-11 a las 16.03.42

The event will take place from September 20-22, and we be jointly hosted by Argentina and neighboring Uruguay.

The launch ceremony was led by Cabinet Chief of Argentina’s Ministry of Agro-industry, Guillermo Bernaudo, Entre Rios Govenor Dr. Gustavo Bordet, Concordia Mayor Dr. Enrique Cresto, and Argentinian Blueberry Committee (ABC) president Carlos Stabile.

“The links between national, provincial and municipal governments and the private sector are fundamental for the industry to develop its true potential, and this is what is happening in the case of blueberry production and exports,” Bordet said.

During the ceremony the governor emphasized to the ABC president how it important it was for the city of Concordia to hold the IBO Summit 2016, in conjunction with the Uruguayan city of Salto.

Among the attendees were representatives of various industry associations, including the Blueberry Producers’ Association of MesopotamiaArgentina (APAMA) and the Argentine Chamber of Producers’ of Blueberries and other Berries (CAPAB).

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