Argentinian blueberry producers get ready to export to China

Producers of the Argentinian Blueberry Committee (ABC) gave details of the visit of a Chinese technical delegation to Argentina. They were there in order to research the fumigation process with methyl bromide, requested by the authorities of the Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine (CAIQ), so as to ensure the blueberries’ export to China by air.

“It is very positive for the commercial approach of both countries and we hope it is settled by next year by signing a protocol confirming the agreements by that time” expressed Federico Bayá, ABC President.

ABC said that the technical delegation visited the Agro-industrial Experimental Station “Obispo Colombres” in the province of Tucuman. It was sent by SENASA since the institution has a lot of experience in the bromide treatment for air shipments.

Additionally, according to official information of the Ministry, it was informed that a public officer will travel to sign the protocol; therefore the conclusion of the application process for import will end soon.

At the same time, Alejandro Pannunzio, ABC vice president, met with the Agriculture Vice minister of China, Prof. Ph. Qu Dongyu and also with a diplomatic committee which is visiting the country due to the World Trade Organization Summit. The encounter was organized by Professor Fernando Vilella, head of Agribusiness Chair of the Agronomy Department of Buenos Aires University (FAUBA), and the collaboration guidelines between both nations in the food area were analyzed. Dr. Jiang Chiangshun, Chinese Agriculture Attaché in Argentina and Congressman Liu Xonzhong will also participate.

The Argentinian Blueberry Committee (ABC) visited the 7th edition of the International Blueberry Organization (IBO) Summit this year in the south of China, where they participated in different talks regarding technology and access practice to the Chinese market. “It is a long term negotiation that included the visit of President Macri to China last May, where Argentina showed the interest and importance to conclude said negotiation in order to start the first exports during the following campaign in Argentina”, said Carlos Stabile, ABC member.

Fresh Plaza

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