BC blueberries end strong season

British Columbia is winding down its solid blueberry season.

“Right now we’re heavily focused on local supply and blueberries here should finish up relatively soon,” says Vo Hoang of Kin’s Farm Market based in Richmond, BC. “We’re just winding down production.”
The scene for this year’s B.C. blueberries has been similar to last year’s. “We’ve been pretty steady this year. Supplies overall were similar to last year and we haven’t had any issues such as supply gaps so it’s been going pretty strong for us,” says Hoang.
However the season did get a bit of an early start at the end of June. That said, the season will end at the same time as usual for growers, many of whom Hoang notes are located in the Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Richmond, BC. regions.

The power of local

As always with local production, demand proved strong this season. “Anything local is in high demand but particularly blueberries. When they come out, people want them,” says Hoang. “The demand is similar to last year.”
Also similar to 2017 was the pricing on berries. “As it is typically, it was high when it first started and then it tapered off to about $2.99/lb. which is pretty normal,” says Hoang. “The pricing tapered off in late July when the supply came on and the pricing came down as well.”

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