Peru: on the way to becoming the largest exporter of fresh blueberries in the world

The optimism of the blueberry industry in Peru for becoming the main exporter of fresh blueberries in the world has solid foundations. And it is that the South American country has experienced an exponential growth in recent years, reaching 78,000 tons in its 2018-2019 campaign and hoping to exceed 120,000 tons in the next two years.

Roberto Vargas, co-owner of Agricola Santa Azul and president of ProArandanos Peru, commented that “Peru is the country with the highest growth worldwide and is on its way to becoming the largest exporter in the world. We expect this next season to be between 100 and 110 thousand tons, but anyway for the 2020-2021 season we should be above 120,000 tons exported, ”he said.

Regarding the projections and challenges of the industry, Vargas said that right now they are focused on opening new markets and improving phytosanitary access in the markets they already have, but now a second stage is coming, which is to increase the consumption of blueberries ”.

“I think this is one of the approaches that the entire industry has in the world, and Proarándanos also has to work on that line towards the future.”

“While consumption has continued to rise and berries are the largest category that are now seen in supermarkets worldwide, but with the productions that are coming if it is going to be important to continue growing that consumption, that train is keep, especially in markets like the US, Europe and China, ”he says.

For this reason, it is not surprising that Peru has been chosen as the venue for the next International Blueberry Summit, organized by the International Blueberry Organization (IBO), which will take place in August next year.

“We are very honored and it is a very interesting challenge, since our industry is growing and we are a fairly young guild, so we are very interested in showing what we are doing here and making ourselves known in the world.”

“August is a very good date for those who come to the Summit to visit the fields in full production, with all the fruit and analyze how Peru’s campaign is coming.”

Also note that the city of Trujillo – which is where it will take place in an event – is a very symbolic place for the industry, since it is in those lands where production and development of the blueberry industry in Peru began.

“Trujillo is where the greatest fruit is produced and we would love it if everyone could know the foundations of the Peruvian blueberry. It is also a wonderful city, with many tourist attractions, remember that Peru is the country with more ecosystems in the world and will be an unforgettable experience. ”


IBO Interview

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