Naturipe predicts large blueberry crops this year

Naturipe Farms has big plans for blueberries this year, with expectations of the U.S. fresh blueberry market growing an estimated 15% to 20%.

Brian Bocock, vice president of product management at Naturipe, said the company expects to market up to 20% more blueberries as well. Fresh U.S. sales were about 550 million pounds in 2019, and could be eclipsed with a total of 650 million pounds this year, Bocock said.

The U.S. and Canadian fresh blueberry market might reach up to 750 million pounds.

“It’s a drastic increase we’ve been planning in response to growing consumer demand,” CarrieAnn Arias  vice president of marketing, said in a news release from Naturipe. “So, whether you prefer a yogurt parfait, blueberry pie, or a handful of straight berries, we’ll be here all year long to help you celebrate the year of the blueberry with Mother Nature herself.”

The company has accurately predicted the size of its blueberry harvest, through understanding historical production, new plantings, and the farms that have joined the company, according to the release.

“We are always in pursuit of the very best growers in the world who are willing to innovate and leverage technology to bring the tastiest berries to our consumers,” Bocock said in the release. “These traits have the added benefit of helping us accurately estimate the size of our harvest.”


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