USDA changes fumigation rules for some imported Chilean blueberries

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, through its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, is allowing the import of blueberries from two regions in Chile without methyl bromide fumigation for pests.

USDA proposed the change earlier this year for the Biobío and Ñuble regions of Chile, where the European grapevine moth “is known to exist, but in which the pest prevalence is low, without requiring fumigation with methyl bromide,” according to the Federal Register notice.

Of the 53 comments during the two-month comment period, all but one was in favor of the proposal with no further questions, according to the Federal Register notice.

All blueberries from the two regions for export will be inspected by Chile’s national plant protection organization. Shippers who comply with control measured from Chile’s National European Grapevine Moth Control Program, according to the Federal Register.

The change became effective Oct. 8.


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