Chinese retail price of Yunnan blueberries increased by around 10% since last year

Consumer demand for top-quality blueberries has grown significantly in the last few years, and the quality of plantation technology has greatly improved. That is why the overall surface area devoted to blueberry plantation in Yunnan expands every year. Blueberries from the high mountains in Yunnan have already been on the Chinese market for some time this year. The supply season is expected to last until the middle of July. This season the production volume expanded by circa 30% in comparison with last year.

The main advantage of blueberry cultivation in Yunnan, compared to blueberry production areas in north China, is the excellent weather, which allows the Yunnan blueberries to enter the Chinese market earlier than their competition from north China. Furthermore, plantation technology in Yunnan is well developed and the blueberry varieties are well suited to the environment. Blueberries from Yunnan enter the market every year around March. They offer strong competition for the glasshouse blueberries from north China.

The investment in glasshouse blueberry production in north China is ten times higher than the investment in open field blueberry production in Yunnan. The Yunnan blueberries thus have a double advantage. They arrive on the market earlier than their competition, and their cost price is much lower.

“The current price of blueberries from the high mountains of Yunnan is roughly 10% higher than around the same time last year. The overall product quality is extremely stable this year. Actually, the difference in product quality between domestic blueberries and imported blueberries has grown very small in recent years. At the same time, domestic blueberries have an advantage in terms of cost price as well as the length of the supply chain, which affects the freshness of the blueberries. That is why a growing number of Chinese consumers opt for domestic blueberries, such as the popular Yunnan blueberries.” This is according to Mr. You Kui of Guangzhou Jugou International Trade Co., Ltd.


Mr. You also said that: “Our company integrates online and offline retail methods. We sell blueberries from Yunnan under our own brand name ‘Blue and Sweet’ in wholesale markets, supermarkets, and e-commerce platforms in first- and second-tier cities throughout China. There is huge market potential for the unique Yunnan blueberries. The weather and other environmental conditions in Yunnan have made this province a major blueberry production area and people from all over the world pay attention to the blueberry industry there.”


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