Andalusian blueberries: 20% more marketed than in previous campaign

‘In Spain, the price of blueberries has recovered in the last two weeks, but it continues to move at low levels due to the greater supply in relation to previous campaigns.’ This is how the Price and Market Observatory of the Junta de Andalucía details it in its latest report on the red fruit sector, in which it ensures that the volume sold in the current campaign is more than 20% higher than that of last campaign.

In this context, from the Observatory they point out that, usually, around these dates 97% of the total expected in the campaign has been marketed. Furthermore, estimates point to that the production in the current campaign is being similar to that of the previous campaign in terms of volume, although, it has been distributed differently over time: in the first autumn harvest a greater volume was obtained (with lower prices) while in the second spring harvest the production has been lower as a result of the rains (with lower prices). considerably better). Consequently, the distribution curve has flattened.


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