China to source blueberries from Serbia
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Europe can be described as more than fruitful. In addition to the agreement to import cherries from Hungary, the supply of blueberries from Serbia has now been added.
On May 8, the General Administration of Customs of China issued a document establishing the phytosanitary requirements that the Balkan peninsula country in southeastern Europe must meet in order to export fresh blueberries to the Asian giant’s market.
Serbia is one of the largest producers of the berry in Europe. Its season runs from early June to October and it will be the second fruit accepted by China from this country, after apples in 2023.
According to the document of the General Administration of Customs of China (original in Chinese), the fruit must meet a series of requirements, as 10 quarantine pests of concern have been detected.
Therefore, among several aspects, orchards wishing to export fresh blueberries must comply with good agricultural practices and integrated pest management techniques. In addition, cold treatment is mandatory and must be carried out prior to shipment or during transit.
It should be noted that a new free trade agreement between China and Serbia comes into force on July 1.