Members News

BerryWorld & Tropic Cool to launch a new berry project in Rwanda

BerryWorld signed a term sheet earlier this month with Tropic Cool Ltd outlining the cooperation between the two companies in

Noticias en español

La campaña 2024/2025 del arándano peruano fue un récord, pero la que sigue podría ser mejor

La campaña 2024/2025 ha sido muy especial para el arándano peruano. Ya casi finalizada, el Perú ha logrado grandes hitos,


The 2024/2025 Peruvian blueberry campaign was a record, but the next one could be better

The 2024/2025 campaign has been very special for Peruvian blueberries. Almost finished, Peru has achieved great milestones, the result of

Noticias en español

Exportaciones de arándanos chilenos alcanzan las 89.131 toneladas

De acuerdo al último Crop Report del Comité de Arándanos de Frutas de Chile, durante la séptima semana se exportaron


Aneberries 2025: The growing industry’s awaited congress

The 15th International Aneberries Congress in Mexico is a highly anticipated event for berry companies, producers, growers, and exporters. This

Noticias en español

Aneberries 2025: Un congreso renovado para una industria en expansión

El 15º Congreso Internacional de Aneberries es bien conocido por ser un evento muy esperado para las empresas, productores, cultivadores

Members News

California Giant Berry Farms’ jumbo blueberries are now in season

California Giant Berry Farms has announced the availability of its GIANT Blueberries, which are characterized by their large size of over


Mexican blueberries to experience 9% drop in production

Mexico is one of the main blueberry-producing countries, ranking sixth globally. By calendar year 2025, production is projected at 73,500

Noticias en español

Arándanos mexicanos experimentarán caída del 9%

México es uno de los principales países productores de arándanos, ocupando el sexto lugar a nivel mundial. Para el año


Variety innovation and consumer marketing help drive demand for Southeast berries

Growers in the Southeast play an important role in keeping the produce aisle stocked with fresh berries. Florida is the