IBO Summit 2015 (Australia)

From health messaging to digital marketing, production forecasts to growing methods, the IBO’s annual conferences draw on a range of issues that are vital for the global blueberry sector’s advancement, putting collaboration over competition.

2015 was no exception, bringing together more than 300 participants from 20 countries, who in one way or another account for 90% of the world’s production of the super fruit.

Australia may not be the largest player on the world blueberry stage, but Coffs Harbour was the ideal location for the IBO’s biggest conference yet, including farm visits to Costa Group’s substrate production operations and a new packing shed built by cooperative OzGroup.

With presenters and panelists representing some of the industry’s most influential companies –including the likes of Naturipe, Giumarra, Driscoll’s, SanLucar, Joyvio and many more – discussions were informative and at times heated, sparking rigorous debate about the future of blueberries and pressing challenges like labor supply and a changing landscape for crop protection.