Articles By This Author


BC blueberries end strong season

British Columbia is winding down its solid blueberry season. “Right now we’re heavily focused on local supply and blueberries here


BerryWorld forecasts 30% rise in South African blueberry volumes

BerryWorld has announced the start of this year’s South African blueberry season, with the first Mountain Blue Orchards (MBO) varieties set

Noticias en español

Argentina: Macri se reúne con arandaneros en Tucumán

El Presidente de la República Argentina, Mauricio Macri visitó el campo “El Molino”, en el departamento Chicligasta, provincia de Tucumán,


Chile debates the future of the blueberry

Chile is currently the main exporter of fresh blueberries in the world, with a record export volume that exceeded 110


Blueberries the star for Camposol

Higher blueberry volumes and prices help drive Camposol’s sales 8.9 per cent higher in the first half Peruvian agricultural giant


U.S. blueberry season sees slightly lower volumes

The domestic U.S. blueberry season is now winding down, having seen a slight drop in overall volumes and generally lower

Noticias en español

Arándanos uruguayos crecerían un 65% a pesar de problemas climáticos

La industria arandanera de Uruguay ha debido enfrentar diversos episodios de granizos y mal clima en los últimos dos años,

Noticias en español

Nuevo cuerpo directivo de Aneberries desarrollará mercado asiático

Aneberries, la Asociación Nacional de Exportadores de Berries en México, informó que el 8 de agosto modificó su cuerpo directivo.


South Africa: OZblu conference draws a crowd

Consumption growth and future plans tabled at conference event in South Africa Over 200 delegates from 17 different countries converged on

Chilean blueberry industry

Interfresh to market Driediger Farms blueberries

Orange, Calif.-based Interfresh is now shipping blueberries from Langley, British Columbia-based Driediger Farms. “Rhonda Driediger and her team do a