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蓝莓干是蓝莓果肉晒干后制成的一种干果,味道酸甜可口,它不但营养价值丰富,并且还具有很好的保健养生功效,今天小编就带大家来了解一下蓝莓干的功效与作用有哪些: 一 美容养颜:蓝莓干中含有一种类花色素苷物质,这种物质可以产生深色和紫色素,而这些色素能够有效的帮助人体修护皮肤,再加上蓝莓干本身就可以保持胶原质纤维蛋白的健康,从而能够起到很好的美容养颜功效。 二 保护眼睛:蓝莓干中含有丰富的花青素,类胡萝卜素和维生素C,而这三种物质具有很好的协同作用,它们能够有效的为眼睛提供所需的营养物质,缓解眼睛的疲劳。从而能够起到很好的增强视力和保护眼睛的功效。 三 预防心血管疾病:蓝莓干中含有丰富的果胶,而果胶能够有效的降低人体血液中胆固醇的含量,降低血液的粘稠度,防止动脉粥样硬化,从而能够起到一定的预防心血管疾病的功效。 本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。 02/10/2018


South African blueberry industry aims to compete with Chile and Argentina

The South African Berry Producers’ Association, a voluntary organization, was brought into being seven years ago to act as a


Twin River’s Ben Escoe Discusses Expansion into Chile and Peru

One day ’ll be able to tell my future children, “Back in my day, I could only enjoy blueberries in


New post-harvest technology developed for fresh blueberries

Quimas, the Chilean company that developed SmartPac some years ago, have now launched a new device that combines an Modified

Noticias en español

Berry People lanza la primera temporada de arándanos orgánicos desde Chile

Berry People, compañía integrada que el año pasado comenzó a funcionar con una línea completa de productos orgánicos durante todo


Blueberry exports out of North America show increase in volume and destinations

The North American 2018 blueberry season has come to a close. “In general, it was a good season with relatively

Noticias en español

Inspectores chinos visitan plantaciones de arándanos en Argentina

El jueves pasado, una comitiva de inspectores fitosanitarios de China visitó diferentes plantaciones de arándanos en Argentina, mientras se realizan

Chilean blueberry industry

Blueberries in Charts: Peru, reshaping the U.S. blueberry market

In this ‘In Charts‘ series of mini-articles, Colin Fain of data visualization tool Agronometrics illustrates how the U.S. market is evolving. In


Blueberries are the future for Cape province

South Africa’s Western Cape government has said that blueberries offer great opportunities for job creation in the province. The global


Blueberry importers expect good Argentina season

Argentina blueberry prospects appear solid for the September through December season, marketers say. In the September through December availability window,