Articles By This Author

Noticias en español

Los arándanos argentinos llegan a Tailandia

Luego de la gestión realizada del Ministerio de Agroindustria, a través de la Secretaría de Mercados Agroindustriales, a cargo de


Costa Group wins ‘Business Excellence Award for Agriculture, Food & Beverage’ at the 25th Annual AustCham Westpac Australia-China Business Awards

Overnight in Shanghai, China (17 May 2018), Costa Group was announced as the winner of the Business Excellence Award for


Wish Farms kicks off organic blueberries

Plant City, Fla.-based strawberry and blueberry grower-shipper Wish Farms has begun to market Florida blueberries from its new Misty Organics


Giumarra to offer jumbo blueberries

Los Angeles-based The Giumarra Cos. plans to roll out a new pack of jumbo blueberries from a Georgia supplier this season,

Noticias en español

Freshuelva llega a cambiar el consumo de arándanos en España con nueva campaña de promoción

El buen tiempo se asoma en el hemisferio norte y con ello comienza una nueva temporada de frutas, entre ellas,

Noticias en español

Perú: 118 mil plantas de arándanos en evaluación fitosanitaria para ingresar al país

El Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego – MINAGRI informó que 118,000 plantas de arándanos llegaron al país desde Estados Unidos


SE blueberry growers seek trade protection in new NAFTA

Big imports from Mexico have threatened the economic viability of Florida and Georgia blueberry growers, Southeast U.S. industry leaders say.


Northern Hemisphere blueberry season ‘not on trend’, says Brazelton

Delays in Mexico, the southern United States and Spain are causing spring supply limitations in the world’s leading blueberry markets.


Mexico: Aneberries developing national berry brand

The Mexican National Association of Berry Exporters (Aneberries) has announced plans to release a new brand to help boost exports

Chilean blueberry industry

Blueberries are wanted 24/7, says Hortifrut — and avos are ‘green gold’

Hipsters and health nuts the world over want more avocados for their toast and blueberries for their everything. Enter Chilean