Carla Ampuero
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Articles By This Author

Agronometrics in Charts: Peru witnesses a 37.5% uptick in blueberry production in Q1 of 2023
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 30, 2023
In this installment of the ‘Agronometrics In Charts’ series, Sarah Ilyas studies the state of the Peruvian blueberry industry. Each week

Diseñan un robot para optimizar la cosecha de arándanos
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 30, 2023
Tras varios meses de trabajo en el laboratorio, un equipo de investigadores de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego (UPAO) logró

Agronometrics en Gráficos: Producción de arándanos peruanos registra alza de 37,5%
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 30, 2023
En esta entrega de la serie “Agronometrics en gráficos”, Sarah Ilyas repasa la producción de arándanos peruanos. Cada semana la

Inicio de la cosecha de arándanos en Guizhou en el distrito de Majiang
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 29, 2023
El Servicio Exterior de Agricultura del Departamento de Agricultura de EE.UU. recientemente publicó su informe “China: Blueberry Annual Voluntary 2023”

Mexico: We will address the main problems of a complex crop, such as blueberries
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 26, 2023
Along with the opportunities come the challenges and in the case of blueberries they are very varied, because it involves

Berry beneficial: Blueberry consumption alleviates abdominal pain in gastrointestinal disorders
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 24, 2023
In a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, researchers investigate whether blueberry consumption could improve the clinical outcomes, functioning, and

USHBC expands business intelligence program
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 24, 2023
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) today launched the BerrySmart Insights platform for fresh blueberries, an automated, voluntary production and

NABC welcomes Congressional action to eliminate Japanese tariffs on frozen U.S. blueberries
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 23, 2023
More than 30 legislators representing blueberry growers across the U.S. have sent a letter to key government officials urging them

El negocio de los berries no caerá, pero la hidroponía ya es parte del presente
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 18, 2023
Las condiciones climáticas han hecho que los productores de berries se vayan reconvirtiendo en la forma de producir sus cultivos,

Blueberries Surpass Grapes as Peru’s Most Valuable Fruit Export
- By Carla Ampuero
- . May 11, 2023
Peru is estimated to have exported 287,000 metric tons or $1.4 billion worth of blueberries in the 2022/23 season, making blueberries surpass table