Carla Ampuero
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Articles By This Author

Agronometrics in Charts: Blueberries shine as Mexican berry exports beat out beer and tequila
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 21, 2023
In this installment of the ‘Agronometrics In Charts’ series, Sarah Ilyas studies the state of the Mexican blueberry industry. Each week

Agronometrics en Gráficos: Los arándanos destacan entre exportaciones de berries mexicanas que ya superan al tequila y la cerveza
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 21, 2023
En esta entrega de la serie “Agronometrics en gráficos”, Sarah Ilyas repasa el estado de la industria mexicana del arándano.

Marruecos desbanca a EE. UU. y se convierte en el cuarto mayor exportador de arándanos del mundo
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 17, 2023
En 2022, Marruecos se convirtió en el cuarto mayor exportador de arándanos frescos del mundo, poniéndose incluso por delante de

Morocco has overtaken the US in blueberry exports to become the world’s fourth largest exporter
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 15, 2023
In 2022, Morocco became fourth among the largest exporters of fresh blueberries in the world, leaving behind even the United

China Still Peru’s Third-Largest Export Market for Blueberries
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 15, 2023
According to the International Blueberry Organization, Peru shipped 275,837 metric tons of blueberries in 2022 to become the world’s biggest

Peruvian blueberry industry going strong
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 9, 2023
The Peruvian blueberry sector continues to grow rapidly with about 68% of blueberries imported into the U.S. coming from this

Perú tuvo récord de exportación de arándanos orgánicos en la última campaña con 35.000 toneladas
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 9, 2023
Próximos a terminar la campaña de arándanos peruanos, está claro que se ha superado la barrera de los US$ 1,400

Canadá sigue expandiendo sus plantaciones de arándano
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 7, 2023
El arándano es el principal producto frutícola por superficie cultivada en Canadá. En la última década ha aumentado la superficie

Canada blueberry acreage keeps growing
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 6, 2023
In Canada, blueberries are the top fruit commodity by growing area and farm gate value. With both wild (low bush)

Agronometrics in Charts: Vastly different prospects await Northern and Southern Florida blueberries this season
- By Carla Ampuero
- . March 2, 2023
In this installment of the ‘Agronometrics In Charts’ series, Sarah Ilyas studies the state of the Florida blueberry season. Each week