Carla Ampuero
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- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 11, 2021
2月5号,吉林农业大学学报网络首发《2020中国蓝莓产业年度报告》,报告根据中国各产区蓝莓产业调研数据,总结了2020年我国露地栽培和设施栽培蓝莓的面积和产量现状、全年鲜果价格走势,还分析了我国蓝莓产业发展的新特征。 看点1 蓝莓商业化栽培二十载 种植面积和产出发展迅猛 报告指出,我国蓝莓商业化栽培始于 2000年。 截至 2020年底, 面积已经达到6.64万hm²,总产量34.72 万吨,鲜果产量23.47万吨。栽培面积超过4000hm² 以上的省份有7个:贵州(15000hm²)、辽宁(7800hm²)、山东(7333hm²)、四川(6667hm²)、安徽(6667hm²)、云南(5 000hm²)、吉林(4000hm²),总产量超过1万吨以上的省份有9个:贵州(8.5 万吨)、四川(5.0万吨)、安徽(4.0万吨)、辽宁(3.5万吨)、山东(3.3万吨)、云南(3.0万吨)、吉林(1.5 万吨)、湖北(1.1万吨)、江苏(1.0万吨)。 在鲜果产出方面,各产区蓝莓的栽培品种与生产目的不同,鲜果比例差异较大。贵州省以兔眼品种为主,鲜果比例只有30%,四川省和安徽省近几年以加工为目标的‘蓝美1号’快速发展,鲜果比例为 60%,山东、辽宁和云南几乎全部为鲜果产出。 看点2 设施栽培助力早熟鲜果的供应 报告分析了国产蓝莓的全年价格走势,呈现出前期价格高,后期逐渐降低的状态。3月初至 4月初处于价格高位阶段,4月初至5月中旬处于较高价位阶段,而5月下旬以后处于较低价位阶段,7月份达到低值。 蓝莓优质早熟鲜果的供应得益于日光温室和冷棚栽培模式的应用,这两种设施栽培模式为当前北方蓝莓的重要种植方式。文中提到,到2020年底,全国日光温室栽培面积2010hm²,产量15185吨。其中,辽宁省位居第一,栽培面积和产量分别占全国的63.0%和56.6%;山东省位列第二,面积和产量分别占全国的27.0%和32.0%。全国冷棚栽培面积705hm²,产量7510吨。山东省位居全国第一,产量和面积分别占全国的71.0%和66.6%,辽宁省位居第二,面积和产量分别占全国的17.7%和20.0%。 看点3

Canadian blueberries not a trade problem: ITC
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 11, 2021
The U.S. International Trade Commission began an investigation in September and held hearings in mid-January to see if Canada’s blueberry

As South African blueberry exports rise, so does use of sea freight
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 11, 2021
South African blueberry exports hit another consecutive record in the 2020-21 season, growing to 14,063 metric tons (MT) from 11,703MT

Opinion: The debate on blueberry imports vs domestic supply is worthy of history books
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 11, 2021
Blueberries have been one of the star products of the produce industry the past few years. A “super food” noted

Chile: Arándanos obtienen certificación Heart-Check de la American Heart Association
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 8, 2021
Los arándanos chilenos fueron certificados por el Programa de Certificación de Alimentos Heart-Check de la American Heart Association. Según informó

Inside the Chilean Industry Quality System for Exported Blueberries
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 6, 2021
The companies that comprise the Chilean Blueberry Committee of the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX) account for more than three-quarters of Chile’s world-leading export

US: Blueberry exports to China could be ‘game changer’
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 5, 2021
According to University of Georgia Agribusiness Extension economist Greg Fonsah, there is a real opportunity for the region’s blueberry growers

Peru: Agro-exports reached record figures in 2020
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 5, 2021
Despite the health emergency caused by the coronavirus pandemic, Peru’s agricultural exports reached a historical record by registering US$7.55 billion in

Coalición Internacional de Arándanos: “Creo que hemos demostrado nuestro caso al ITC”
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 4, 2021
El grupo de empresas y organizaciones de arándanos que se opone a las posibles modificaciones de EE.UU. a las normas de importación

Cadena de restaurantes de China promueve el consumo de arándanos chilenos e invita a regalar “un amigo azul”
- By Carla Ampuero
- . February 2, 2021
La actividad, la cual es organizada por el Comité de Arándanos de Chile, conjuntamente con ASOEX y ProChile, marcó oficialmente