Carla Ampuero
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Articles By This Author

Colombian blueberry association to begin marketing fruit in boost to industry
- By Carla Ampuero
- . November 11, 2020
The young Colombian blueberry industry has received a major boost by way of the trade association being approved to market

Record volume of blueberries consumed in NZ
- By Carla Ampuero
- . November 10, 2020
Statistics reveal New Zealanders consumed 8m punnets of blueberries last season, with even more anticipated this season Recently released grocery

Exportaciones peruanas de arándanos frescos se acercarían a las 180 mil toneladas al cierre de la campaña 2020/2021
- By Carla Ampuero
- . November 1, 2020
En la campaña junio 2020/febrero 2021, las exportaciones peruanas de arándanos frescos se acercarían a las 180 mil toneladas, lo

Berry Import Gaps Are Closing
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 30, 2020
Global production efforts show berries have become viable year-round in terms of availability and pricing. After overtaking Chile as the

Blueberries reach hero status at retail
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 29, 2020
Blueberries have been growing at a rapid clip at retail, according to the United Fresh Produce Association’s FreshFacts report for

Chile: Coquimbo incrementa en 32% la exportación de arándanos
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 22, 2020
Con una visita al Sitio de Inspecciones SAG-USDA, autoridades informaron respecto de las exportaciones de arándanos de la Región de

Namibia is exporting tons of blueberries for the first time ever
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 21, 2020
For the first time in Namibia’s history, the country is exporting tons of blueberries. This is possible because the small

- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 20, 2020
近⽇,贵州省2020年“扶贫⽇”活动新闻发布会中表示,⽬前,贵州茶叶、蓝莓、李⼦、刺梨种植规模位 列全国第⼀,猕猴桃、⽕⻰果种植⾯积居全国前列。 此外,贵州辣椒产加销规模全国第⼀,蔬菜等种植⾯积和产量⼤幅增加,为当地开展消费扶贫⾏动提供 了既有数量⼜有质量的“供给”。 据介绍,今年以来,贵州把开展消费扶贫⾏动作为应对疫情灾情、巩固脱贫成果的重要抓⼿。省委召开 全会对⾼质量打好脱贫攻坚收官战进⾏再动员,专题部署消费扶贫⼯作,开展“黔货出⼭·⻛⾏天下”夏秋 攻势⾏动和消费扶贫⽉活动。截⽌9⽉底,贵州扶贫产品销售⾦额102.78亿元,惠及83个县(区)110余 万贫困⼈⼝。 同时,贵州开拓“三⼤市场”,推动黔货出⼭。⼀是巩固扩⼤省内及周边市场。⼆是⼤⼒开拓东部市场。 三是推进“黔货出⼭进军营”。强化利益联结,确保贫困户增收脱贫。加强产业扶贫带贫减贫机制建设, 推⼴“⻰头企业+基地+农户”模式,压实企业、合作社、创业致富带头⼈等带贫主体责任,带动建档⽴卡 户近150万户、580万⼈增收。 20/10/2020

Strong marketing year for German cultivated blueberries
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 15, 2020
While German blueberries disappeared from the market some three weeks ago, overseas goods now dominate the scene. At Nordgemüse Krogmann

Canadian blueberry growers target of trade probe
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 13, 2020
Canadian blueberry growers are watching and waiting as the United States International Trade Commission (USITC) launches a trade probe into