Carla Ampuero
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贵安供电局“三零”服务 助力蓝莓基地发展
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 13, 2020
本报讯 “电力人员的高效、贴身服务,真的不错。”10月12日,享受到贵安供电局用电报装“三零”服务(零上门、零审批、零收费)的贵州源丰农业有限公司总经理郭金佩说。 据了解,贵州源丰农业有限公司位于高峰镇普马村,主要从事优质蓝莓种植和生产加工,是高峰镇今年重点招商引资项目。接到该公司的用电申请后,贵安供电局专职客户经理王瑞琦立即与高峰镇政府对接,并弄清签约情况和其实际用电需求。随后,贵安供电局第一时间开通重点项目用电“绿色通道”,安排40余万元专项资金,快速、妥善解决千亩蓝莓基地用电问题。 在项目实施过程中,贵安供电局制定最优供电方案,并与普马村村支两委、贵州源丰农业有限公司紧密联动,精心勘查、精心设计、精心施工、规范管理,仅用30天时间便完成了通常情况下50天才能完成的工作,全面满足蓝莓基地种植、生产、加工等各环节的用电需要。 据了解,随着“不忘初心、牢记使命”主题教育的纵深推进,贵安供电局围绕贵安新区“建城市、聚人气,广招商、兴产业”工作主线,一切从客户利益出发,把着力解决群众在用电方面的操心事、烦心事作为重点,持续优化全区电力营商环境。日常工作中,该局坚持刀刃向内严管理,为民服务解难题,对用电报装业务全面实施零上门、零审批、零收费“三零”服务,让人民群众和各类用电客户真正享受到办电不出门、接电不花钱的供电服务。 13/10/2020

USDA changes fumigation rules for some imported Chilean blueberries
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 11, 2020
The U.S. Department of Agriculture, through its Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, is allowing the import of blueberries from two

OZblu 蓝莓打破世界纪录
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 7, 2020
此次蓝莓是世界著名植物育种者 Dave Mazzardis 和 Leasa Mazzardis 的杰作,他们设⽴了 Natures Select 育种计划。 这对夫妇继续努⼒⽣产优质的低冷常久蓝莓,这些品种对种植者来说有商业上的可⾏性,并为消费者提 供了⾮凡的饮⻝体验,多汁松脆和美味,还延⻓了保质期。 OZblu 此次打破记录的蓝莓重16.20克,直径36.3毫⽶。 OZblu 蓝莓平均⼤⼩直径约为18毫⽶。 United Exports 创始⼈ Roger

La pandemia: una oportunidad para los arándanos argentinos
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 5, 2020
La pandemia puso al mundo de cabeza. Nadie se imaginó como en unos pocos meses todo iba a cambiar, sea

Productores de arándanos en Latinoamérica comienzan a delinear estrategias por investigación de EE.UU.
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 5, 2020
Distintos países productores de arándanos de Latinoamérica han comenzado a delinear las estrategias que van a utilizar ante la posible
U.S. Trade Representative requests ITC investigation into blueberry imports
- By Carla Ampuero
- . October 2, 2020
The United States Trade Representative (USTR) Robert Lighthizer has issued a request to the International Trade Commission (ITC) to initiate

Flattening fresh blueberry prices shift industry paradigm – Rabobank
- By Carla Ampuero
- . September 30, 2020
Downward blueberry price pressure will likely continue at the waning shoulders of the season in the U.S. market during 2020-21,

Arándanos colombianos avanzan gracias a comercializadora gremial
- By Carla Ampuero
- . September 30, 2020
Colombia tiene una pujante industria de arándanos, la que esperan continúe creciendo en el corto plazo gracias a una nueva

Agronometrics in Charts: Blueberries from Chile and Peru come into season
- By Carla Ampuero
- . September 29, 2020
As the northern hemisphere’s blueberry season comes to a close, the U.S. market welcomes blueberries from South America. Over the

Agronometrics en Gráficos: Arándanos de Chile y Perú entran en temporada
- By Carla Ampuero
- . September 29, 2020
A medida que la temporada de arándanos del hemisferio norte llega a su fin, el mercado estadounidense da la bienvenida