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“临海蓝莓” 获批国家地理标志证明商标啦 近日,“临海蓝莓”获批国家地理标志证明商标,这是临海继“临海蟠毫”、“临海蜜桔”、“临海杨梅”、“临海西蓝花”、“大石葡萄”、“临海葡萄”之后获批的第7件地理标志证明商标。临海的国家地理标志证明商标数量和种类均位列台州第一。 临海蓝莓历史悠久,属同一物种的“南烛”俗名乌饭树,野生物种在临海各地均有生长。早在《台州府志》、民国《临海县志》等历史文献中就有记载,在临海广泛流传的名小吃“乌饭麻糍”的颜色原料就取自乌饭树叶。 临海蓝莓作为我市特色农产品,主要产地为白水洋镇、括苍镇、河头镇等西北山区和东塍、邵家渡、汇溪等中部山区,种植面积3000多亩,产量1000余吨,其优良品质得益于本地特有沙壤和温湿气候,曾获得浙江省精品水果展销会金奖、浙江省农博会金奖等荣誉,深受消费者好评。 近年来,临海深入挖掘“临海蓝莓”历史文化,通过完善栽培技术,提高“临海蓝莓”品质,全力打造区域品牌。 下一步,临海将积极培育一批市场占有率高、经济效益好、辐射带动强、知名度较高的农业龙头企业,通过融合文化,全面提升“临海蓝莓”地理标志的产业价值、创新价值、品质价值、品牌价值和社会价值。同时,在确保基本农产品质量安全的同时,注重对“临海蓝莓”有别于其他产地相关产品独特品质的检测与鉴定,做大做好临海蓝莓产业。 19/04/2020


Blueberries from Shandong, China now available on the market

Affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, the volume of imported blueberries over recent months has declined compared with previous years, which


Blueberries in Charts: Florida’s prices far lower than last year

In this installment of the ‘In Charts’ series, Cristian Crespo of Agronometrics illustrates how the U.S. market is evolving. Each week the

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En Gráficos: La crisis de los arándanos en Florida por COVID-19

En este artículo de la serie “En Gráficos”, Cristian Crespo, de Agronometrics nos muestra cómo evoluciona el mercado de Estados Unidos. Cada


North American blueberry industry concerned by market disruptions as season gets underway

The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has created a huge number of challenges for the North American blueberry industry over the past

Noticias en español

Industria del arándano de Norteamérica preocupada por problemas del mercado a medida que comienza la temporada

La pandemia de coronavirus (Covid-19) ha creado una gran cantidad de desafíos para la industria de arándanos de América del

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EE. UU: La venta de arándanos congelados y la comercialización online despegan a raíz del COVID -19

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U.S. Blueberry sales benefit from stockpiling hysteria, but what comes next?

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RSA’s bumper blueberry year

South Africa’s blueberry exports increased 53 per cent this season, while raspberries suffered from lack of airfreight The latest blueberry