
Blueberry festival celebrates Florida’s fruit

Celebrating one of the Sunshine State’s fastest-growing specialty crops, this year’s Florida Blueberry Festival attracted record attendance. Though final numbers


New on-the-go packaging for booming berry sector

In a bid to tap into growing consumer interest in berries as an on-the-go snack food, Special Fruit has launched


Still ‘so much’ to do to boost berry consumption

There is still “so much” to do when it comes to boosting berry consumption worldwide. That’s the view of several


Brands crucial to berry growth

Brands have a key role to play in helping the berry business to grow in Europe, according to three of


Blueberry specialist, ag engineer help blueberry farmers with improved spraying techniques

A University of Georgia blueberry specialist and agricultural engineer are equipping southeast Georgia blueberry growers with knowledge about improved spraying


Retail revenue soft fruit in US bigger than bananas or apples

Soft fruit is a growing market. In addition to strawberries, blueberries have been performing well for years, but raspberries and


Germany: area growth for berries continues

Berries are becoming increasingly popular in Germany. The German producers are therefore doing their best to meet the rising demand.


Chilean fresh blueberry exports set new record

Chilean fresh blueberry exports have set a new historic record and are expected to rise further in the coming weeks,


Blueberries among dairy and beauty products

The supermarket and the supplier can sometimes be diametrically opposed to each other, so the big supermarkets are often under


Strong season for Argentine blues

Argentine blueberry exports climbed 30 per cent to reach 16,500 tonnes in 2014 according to figures from the Argentine Blueberry