
Blues gaining rock star status in Pacific Northwest

Signs point to a bright future for blueberry production in the Pacific Northwest. Looking forward, Alan Schreiber, administrator of the


Far from blue: Italy’s other azzurri set new goals

New blueberry production in parts of Italy could provide the country with new opportunities to capitalise on continued growing demand


Naturipe Farms keeps berry offer fresh

New packaging formats are fuelling US demand for fresh berries, according to leading soft fruit marketer Naturipe Farms. Speaking to


Canada: BC Blueberry Council reveals high expectations for China

Chinese market access for British Columbia’s blueberries may have just been announced, but an industry head says some airfrieght shipments


New techniques at play to make blueberry quality more science, less ‘art’

Patrick Ulloa of Australia’s leading produce company Costa Group will discuss the next frontier of quality management during the International


Consumers love to sing the blues

Consumers love blueberries, and the industry is only too happy to support this love affair. A 2014 study commissioned by


Foodservice use still trending up

Berries have taken the foodservice industry by storm in popularity and many produce companies are working directly with chefs and


Moroccan blueberry boom to take spotlight at IBO summit Down Under

Blueberries are all the rage right now in Morocco where growers are planting aggressively. The North African country is the


Berry demand still growing

Studies show and the industry confirms that berries continue to increase in popularity, particularly blueberries and blackberries. “For blueberries and


Packaging follows berry growth trend

Berry packaging continues to evolve, with new technology that includes high-graphic printing to appeal to kids and their parents, along